Revival 4.0
Duncan Campbell, Hebrides Revival, 1949
“In writing of the movement, I would like first to state what I mean by revival as witnessed in the Hebrides. I do not mean a time of religious entertainment, with crowds gathering to enjoy an evening of bright gospel singing; I do not mean sensational or spectacular advertising - in a God-sent revival you do not need to spend money on advertising. I do not mean high-pressure methods to get men to an inquiry; the road and the hill side become sacred spots to many when the winds of God blows. Revival is a doing of God among his people, and an awareness of God laying hold of the community. Here we see the difference between a successful campaign and revival; in the former we see many brought to a saving knowledge of the truth, and the church or mission experience a time of quickening, but so far as the town or district is concerned no real change is visible; the world goes on its way and the dance and picture-shows are still crowded; but in revival the fear of God lays hold upon the community, moving men and women, who until then had no concern for spiritual things, to seek after God.”
Lord, go among your people again. Restore us and give us an awareness of your presence. May the fear of God lay hold of us and lay hold of every man, woman and child in our city. True God-sent revival.
“In writing of the movement, I would like first to state what I mean by revival as witnessed in the Hebrides. I do not mean a time of religious entertainment, with crowds gathering to enjoy an evening of bright gospel singing; I do not mean sensational or spectacular advertising - in a God-sent revival you do not need to spend money on advertising. I do not mean high-pressure methods to get men to an inquiry; the road and the hill side become sacred spots to many when the winds of God blows. Revival is a doing of God among his people, and an awareness of God laying hold of the community. Here we see the difference between a successful campaign and revival; in the former we see many brought to a saving knowledge of the truth, and the church or mission experience a time of quickening, but so far as the town or district is concerned no real change is visible; the world goes on its way and the dance and picture-shows are still crowded; but in revival the fear of God lays hold upon the community, moving men and women, who until then had no concern for spiritual things, to seek after God.”
Lord, go among your people again. Restore us and give us an awareness of your presence. May the fear of God lay hold of us and lay hold of every man, woman and child in our city. True God-sent revival.
Posted in Revival
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