St Mary’s relies on giving by its congregation to fund everything it does.
We believe that everything we have comes from God, and we want to do what he wants with all areas of our lives, including our money.
We believe that everything we have comes from God, and we want to do what he wants with all areas of our lives, including our money.

Online Banking (Standing Order and One-Off Gifts)
If you have access to Online Banking, this is an easy way to give, either by Standing Order for Regular Giving, or BACS Transfer for a One-Off Gift. Regular giving via Standing Order is great for us as it helps with our planning and budgeting.
Please let us know if you set one up, so we can record your giving correctly.
Our bank details are:
Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 60-04-04
Account number: 19251335
Account Name: St Mary Bryanston Square with St Mark, St Marylebone
Please let us know if you set one up, so we can record your giving correctly.
Our bank details are:
Bank: NatWest
Sort code: 60-04-04
Account number: 19251335
Account Name: St Mary Bryanston Square with St Mark, St Marylebone

Debit/Credit Card
If it’s simpler to do, you can set up regular and one-off card payments here.
Please note that we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment, though we can also claim Gift Aid at the point of donation.
Please note that we are charged a small transaction fee for each payment, though we can also claim Gift Aid at the point of donation.

Sunday Collections
We have collections at all of our services. If you’re a UK taxpayer and give in this way, please complete a Gift Aid envelope that can be found at the back of church.
Please make cheques payable to St Mary Bryanston Square.
Please make cheques payable to St Mary Bryanston Square.
If you have any questions about giving, please fill in the form and someone will get back to you.