The Life Course

Sign up to the Life Course at the bottom of this page 
what is is?
The Life Course is a series of evenings where we look at the question:  What does our best life look and feel like?

If you've ever thought is there more to life than this? If you're curious about life and spirituality or are looking for fellow freethinkers, the Life Course is for you.
how does it work?
Each week begins with a meal before hearing a short talk. The talk helps to spark ideas and conversations that follow in smaller discussion groups of like-minded people.

It's non-judgmental. It's not about forcing you into some set of beliefs. We don't want your money. Everyone is welcome.
when and where?
  • Wednesday evenings | 7pm
  • Beginning Wednesday 7th May - 18th June with an optional day the 14th of June.
  • St Mary's Church, W1H 1PQ
  • The course is free with a £5 donation (£3 concession) for dinner
  • Please sign up by entering your details on the form and  we will keep you updated.