1 Corinthians 12:9
9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,
As our beloved leader, John says: “Faith is the magic with God.” God loves faith. Faith is the context with which he likes to operate. God doesn’t like resistance and opposition to what he is doing. We should look, therefore, to be people of great faith.
Obviously, there are things that we can do to build our faith; by sharing stories and reminding ourselves of what God has done in the past. We will regularly do this if we are praying for physical healing. When Jesus healed the woman with a gynaecological condition he said "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5:34). She had faith because she had seen what Jesus had done before and knew if she only touched his cloak she would be healed. Faith begets faith.
But there is faith, but there is the gift of FAITH.
As John Pytches puts it in his book, Come Holy Spirit: The gift of Faith is a supernatural surge of confidence from the Spirit of God which arises within a person faced with a specific situation or need whereby that person receives a trans-rational certainty and assurance that God is about to act through word or action.
God gives the gift of faith when he wants to do something.
We can ask for the gift of faith when we want God to do something.
(The best scenario is when those two things are the same - and we are asking for what God also wants)
The gift of faith is a wonderful gift of the Spirit that operates simultaneously with other gifts, such as healing as we’ve already seen. But it is also there for our finances. We see this at Gift Days when we hear remarkable stories of people stepping out in faith, following the Spirit’s guidance and God coming through. Sometimes we need financial provision and we are praying, but we should pray for the gift of faith too. Sometimes God gives people a vision for their group, church, area of responsibility and they need the gift of faith to put the vision into operation.
As with all the gifts (except tongues) they are for the benefit of others. So we may ask for the gift of faith because we want to see a change in a particular area. But believe me, if you’ve ever prayed with someone who has the gift of faith you know it. There is something contagious about the gift of faith when we gather together.
What do you need the gift of faith for? Finance, healing, miracles, vision?
Ask the Spirit to give you all you need.
Obviously, there are things that we can do to build our faith; by sharing stories and reminding ourselves of what God has done in the past. We will regularly do this if we are praying for physical healing. When Jesus healed the woman with a gynaecological condition he said "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” (Mark 5:34). She had faith because she had seen what Jesus had done before and knew if she only touched his cloak she would be healed. Faith begets faith.
But there is faith, but there is the gift of FAITH.
As John Pytches puts it in his book, Come Holy Spirit: The gift of Faith is a supernatural surge of confidence from the Spirit of God which arises within a person faced with a specific situation or need whereby that person receives a trans-rational certainty and assurance that God is about to act through word or action.
God gives the gift of faith when he wants to do something.
We can ask for the gift of faith when we want God to do something.
(The best scenario is when those two things are the same - and we are asking for what God also wants)
The gift of faith is a wonderful gift of the Spirit that operates simultaneously with other gifts, such as healing as we’ve already seen. But it is also there for our finances. We see this at Gift Days when we hear remarkable stories of people stepping out in faith, following the Spirit’s guidance and God coming through. Sometimes we need financial provision and we are praying, but we should pray for the gift of faith too. Sometimes God gives people a vision for their group, church, area of responsibility and they need the gift of faith to put the vision into operation.
As with all the gifts (except tongues) they are for the benefit of others. So we may ask for the gift of faith because we want to see a change in a particular area. But believe me, if you’ve ever prayed with someone who has the gift of faith you know it. There is something contagious about the gift of faith when we gather together.
What do you need the gift of faith for? Finance, healing, miracles, vision?
Ask the Spirit to give you all you need.
Matt Coombs is married to Pip, on the leadership team of St Mary's and responsible for all things pastoral.
Posted in The Holy Spirit
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