1 Corinthians 14:1
1 Corinthians 14:1
Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts.
The other week James Haley gave a fantastic talk (as always) about miracles. It is great that we at St Mary’s are so hungry to see God move more through us as he clearly has been doing, and we should continue to desire to see more.
During the service, I said to a friend that sometimes miracle talk can make me feel uncomfortable, although I couldn’t quite say why. I remembered a video I saw recently of a pastor praying over a woman in a way which made him look like a super-pastor, but at the expense of her dignity.
As I prayed about this, a man walked into the church for a few minutes and then left. I caught him on his way out. His name was George, he said that he always goes into a church if he passes one.
He asked me if the guy speaking was a Vicar.
I said no.
He asked me if the guy speaking was talking from the bible.
I said, no he is telling a story about what God has done in his life.
He said to me, God is love, love has to be the foundation for everything otherwise it is meaningless.
I smiled because I understood why miracle talk can sometimes make me feel uncomfortable.
Whilst Paul was writing some of the instructions in this chapter to a specific culture at a specific time, as written in this passage (and others) spiritual gifts (except tongues) are for building OTHERS up, so let us make pursuing love continue to be the foundation for everything we do. #BCITilWeDie
During the service, I said to a friend that sometimes miracle talk can make me feel uncomfortable, although I couldn’t quite say why. I remembered a video I saw recently of a pastor praying over a woman in a way which made him look like a super-pastor, but at the expense of her dignity.
As I prayed about this, a man walked into the church for a few minutes and then left. I caught him on his way out. His name was George, he said that he always goes into a church if he passes one.
He asked me if the guy speaking was a Vicar.
I said no.
He asked me if the guy speaking was talking from the bible.
I said, no he is telling a story about what God has done in his life.
He said to me, God is love, love has to be the foundation for everything otherwise it is meaningless.
I smiled because I understood why miracle talk can sometimes make me feel uncomfortable.
Whilst Paul was writing some of the instructions in this chapter to a specific culture at a specific time, as written in this passage (and others) spiritual gifts (except tongues) are for building OTHERS up, so let us make pursuing love continue to be the foundation for everything we do. #BCITilWeDie
Tim Coleman 'Child of God' (Thanks Matt).
Posted in The Holy Spirit
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