Ministry Training

We’ve been greatly influenced by the Vineyard Church movement, where it's taught that everyone gets to play, meaning everyone can learn how to pray for people in the power of the Holy Spirit. Church is not an event that we simply attend; it's a community where everyone uses their gifts to build one another up. We have seen the transformative power in people’s lives who have opened themselves to the Spirit in this way, so we are committed to always providing space for people to be prayed for in the power of the Spirit by a trained ministry team in a normal way.

We run courses and training events throughout the year for those who want to explore (or refresh their understanding of) the theology behind how and why we pray for people in the power of the Spirit, as well as the practical model we use.

Check back here for the dates of our next Ministry Training Course

Third Person

John has written a book called Third Person: The Work of the Holy Spirit, which explains our theology and shares many testimonies from people at St Mary’s about the Spirit’s transformative power. 

Arrange a visit

Are you interested in having a team from St Mary’s visit your church to speak about the Ministry of the Spirit? We'd love to hear from you.